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Helping students find their true north for their future

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About Us

Contact Info

Sugar Creek Elementary
Cris McCoy, Principal

Phone: (765) 794-4855
Fax:  (765) 794-4578
Address: 4702 East 300 North
Crawfordsville, IN 47933


Welcome to Sugar Creek Elementary! 
Our school proudly facilitates learning opportunities from preschool through fifth grade.  We are a school that promotes both high academic expectations and social-emotional well-being for our students.  Sugar Creek students learn to be safe, respectful and responsible through schoolwide positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS).  Even though our school consistently achieves above the state average on standardized testing, we believe that we can always improve.  Our continuous school improvement model supports best practices in education and allows for adaptation to the diverse needs of our students.  We believe that we are at our best when both staff and students are growing and learning together.

Mrs. Cris McCoy

Principal, Sugar Creek Elementary